Seniors Ministry
Our Seniors at Tried Stone are special to us and are a vibrant part our church family. Each year our senior members are our special guest at a themed “Night at the Senior Prom“.
The senior members also enjoy a senior dinner where it is a great time for fellowship. There is always a need for Volunteers to make these events successful.

Prison Ministry
1 Day with God” sponsored by Forgiven Ministries is a volunteer opportunity to serve as a mentor or in other needed areas. The programs allows incarcerated parent and child to spend a love inspiring and fun filled day together with a christian mentor working beside them.

Room in The Inn
The Room in the Inn (RITI) program consists of shelter for 12 women who for a variety of reasons can’t stay at a shelter. Faith communities take turns hosting the women for a week, providing all of their meals, shelter, and evening activities. This gives women who aren’t a good fit for a shelter environment a safe place to sleep each night while waiting to get into permanent housing. Tried Stone participates by housing 12 women with volunteers staying overnight assisting with meals and activities.

Nursing Home Ministry
It can be lonely if no one visits. Once monthly the church visits an area nursing home. Volunteers sing songs of praise and worship for nursing home residents. Associate Pastor David Robinson gives an uplifting word of encouragement and hope from the Bible.

Habitat for Humanity Ministry
Though is thought that volunteering with Habitat for Humanity is just about house building, there are other areas church members can participate as a group or individually. Home Construction, home repair, deconstruction (extracting reusable building materials prior to demolition) or in the administrative office. ReStore sells items to the public from deconstruction to support programs in the community. There are also great programs geared specifically to youth volunteers.

Gleaning Ministry
Gleaning is the traditional biblical practice of gathering crops that would otherwise be left in the fields to rot, or be plowed under after harvest. Volunteers are needed to help harvest and distribute the overflow throughout the community.
Deuteronomy 24:19: When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be left for the alien, the orphan, and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all your undertakings. (NRSV)

College and Scholarship Ministry

Comfort Ministry